My Acer Aspire One

April 2, 2009 | Reading time: 1 minutes

I’ve been installing Fedora Core 11 beta on my Aspire One that I purchased last month and until today I’ve had hell getting the wireless driver to be enabled for usage.

Every time I went to the network manager icon in the taskbar (I’m using the KDE version since I’m looking to do some QT development) it kept telling me that wireless was disabled.

I spent the better part of last night thinking that it was a driver issue, but when I had Ubuntu installed the ath5k kernel driver module worked fine (which is what Fedora 11 uses).

I had an epiphany this morning when I was recalling the system network configuration options about allowing users to turn enable and disable the interface and I checked the option and restarted the networking stack (or you can reboot). Lo and behold everything worked as perfectly as a beta could function.

Here’s my methodology (there’s probably a more graphical way to get to the sytem-config-networking screen, but I’m a junkie):

First thing’s first: Fix the fonts (as the Aspire has too small of a screen for many GUI Control Panel options)…

  • go to Kickstart (the “Start” “F” button) and select System Settings
  • Click on Apperance
  • Select Fonts
  • Go to each font and make them two sizes smaller except the Window Title (unless you want to)
  • Save and reboot (as for some reason it doesn’t take the settings until after a full reboot)

open up a Terminal:

su – (type your root password) echo blacklist acer_wmi » /etc/modprobe.d/blacklists.conf echo blacklist ath_pci » /etc/modprobe.d/blacklists.conf yum upgrade (let yum do its thing) reboot