I’ve been distributing my time the last week and a half on working on my IG vehicles, revising the rules for the Open Wargaming System and the Open Wargaming Society website.
I’ve got the work done on the Open Wargaming website and rules I wanted to do a few days earlier than my intended release date (Friday), although I know I could have worked on them to revise them for more clarity over the course of tomorrow (which I may still do before I print the PDF out through Kinkos online printing).
Tonight and tomorrow night I’m concenrtating getting my 2 Hellhounds and my 2 Chimeras fully painted washed and sealed. After that I’ll quickly finish off what I have left of my 3 Basilisks (which are about the same level of detail as my Chimeras are now) then off to my last two assembled vehicles: my Leman Russ Battle Tank and my Demolisher.
After that all I have left to do is one imperial priest conversion, and assembly and painting of 1 Hellhound…however I bet I’ll have my 16 more guardsmen (Men at arms for more special weapons) 3 Imperial advisers and 2 Valkyries in Friday so that’ll be a bit more to paint until I move on to Superheavies.
Now that I have my camera LCD replaced I’m able to take accurate photos again. I’ll do so sometime this weekend and post them.