Space Wolves Updates!

September 21, 2009 | Reading time: 1 minutes

I have the 5th edition Codex (to be released October 2009) in hand!!!

This is exciting (for a nerd) because they were my very first Warhammer 40,000 codex army (I had my own chapter of Space Marines in 1st edition, but as soon as the first codex was released, these were my passion).

Now it’s time to start learning how to paint them again–it’s been nearly 8 years since I’ve last painted a Space Wolf. So I’m going to pull out some of my generic Space Marines from my Assault on Black Reach and start working with the “new” painting style.

I’m very tempted to pull out all the stops with this army–normally I just blow through an army painting wise to get it table top quality as quickly as possible….I’ve got a somewhat local reputation of “Jeff doesn’t paint models; he paints armies” due to the speed I’ve been known to paint.

This is only half true. To paint in such numbers and speed, I have to be in a mood to do it. I’ve been known to have models ready to paint for more than a year until finally I’m in the mood to paint all 50-100 of them in a few nights.

A few months ago I threw in all my Blood Claws and most of my Wolf Guard into the paint stripping vat and they’ve been stewing there for a bit–time to get my hands dirty again! I’m probably going to keep my current Grey Hunters, Rhinos and Leman Russ Exterminator painted as is as a reminder of how things used to be, but I think they’re far too bright on the Space Wolves Grey in the painting scheme–no highlighting, no blending very little shading. I’m not happy with them anymore painting wise.

Watch this Keyword for updates tonight or tomorrow on my progress.


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