IBM, Ubuntu, Opportunity

October 21, 2009 | Reading time: 1 minutes

According to this article on Ars Technica, IBM and Canonical are joining forces to bring Ubuntu to the Enterprise.

What I’m mildly excited about is IBM’s Linux devs getting into developing Ubuntu for Enterprise Workstations.

I can’t wait to see IBM really start working on Enterprise development and integration for Ubuntu. It’d be nice to see ‘Join Active Directory or Open Directory’ in the base OS install…or create Active/Open Directory in Ubuntu Server.

It’d also be nice to have the ability to easily create custom ‘slipstreamed’ Ubuntu installations that already are joined to a Directory and have remote administration built in for your home/company.

My home server thoughts:

Built in Open Directory Parental Controls would be fantastic, so no matter what computer the kids use, they’re at least partially safety-netted.

There is so much potential with AD/OD on the home front, that I’m surprised noone has implemented it…I was disappointed to know that Windows Home Server isn’t AD.

Either way easy AD/OD User Management is extremely crucial… LDAPAdmin is not an option.