Tonight’s Gaming Night

October 23, 2009 | Reading time: 2 minutes

Ok after a bit of thinking I’ve decided not to bring a playable Dark Eldar army tonight as I want to wow my opponent(s) with completed models–not works in progress. Normally I’m ok with playing with works (as most of us are at our gaming store) in progress, but the completed models will be so much more impressive.

Since Halloween is next week I won’t be able to make it then, so I have 2 weeks to get my models up-to-snuff for the tabletop war field.

This will give me the time to create all my sails (which will be a very grueling process as I’m going to have to boil some water and custom bend each sail as if there was wind pushing against it. Sure these raiders would probably look fine with a flat sail (as they’re for show anyways), but I’d rather have something that looks like it has a bit more refinement.

Once the sails are on, I’ll need to put on a mast-top of some sort. I’ll probably end up using the dark elf corsair squid-banner tops as it’ll go with the theme of my army.

More things I need to do is create green-stuff stamps of the Sunken Soul logo (as there are no transfers of my custom Kabal logo) that’ll fit on:

  • Infantry models, whether as armor stamps or tatoos (for wyches) (5mm to 1cm high)
  • Side of raiders (about 2-3cm high)
  • On the sails themselves (5-6cm high) – although the roundedness of the sails will be a major issue
From then on it’s just a matter of basing in a very dark green (one or two steps lower than Dark Angels green) and highlighting then lots of washes to darken the armor even more.
I can’t wait to start painting. I was thinking about using Delvan Mud as the wash, but I’m pretty sure that Badab Black is the only way to get the color & cleanliness I’m looking for in Eldar.


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