Completion of 43 more bases & start of Dire Avengers

February 12, 2010 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Well this entry was originally supposed to be a step-by step of my Avengers. I started my Dire Avengers, but I’ll leave the tutorial/log for another day as I was out of Enchanted Blue and had to stop at my basecoat of Royal Blue.

Instead I decided to finish all the bases that I’ll need for the tournament in 10 days (and a handful more). At this point I’ve painted 5 packages (50 bases)

I used a Matte coat on these, but my Eldar themselves will be coated with a Satin finish.
My Objective Markers were coated in Satin finish, the models look fine, but the bases look a little shinier than I was wanting.



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