Kill Team w/ Campaigns

April 30, 2010 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Locally I’m going to start a Kill Team with Campaigns either this weekend or next weekend, and I’ve hashed/brainstormed together some fast and loose rules.

The goal of these rules are to change as little of the standard 40k gameplay as possible for a microskirmish level, yet still retain rules for individual models being lost or wounded over time.

Please feel free to discuss these rules as I’m open to suggestion from those who aren’t even playing in the event who may have tried something similar in the past.

As you may have noticed there’s some ideas from many places: Mordheim, Necromunda, Kill Team, etc (even the name of the document is a satirical take on GW’s legacy, specialist products)

A Link to the “Living” Guide that I have exported from Google Documents

Here’s the downloadable PDF


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