Python Programming: Converting my old avi files to h.264

September 2, 2010 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Here’s a little script that calls HandBrake‘s CLI interface to convert a whole directory full of media in a recursive manner.

No Instructions. No warranty. No guarantees. Your mileage may vary. Yadda Yadda Yadda.

Tested on Ubuntu and MacOS 10.6

Download it here or just read it (better to download it, since my blog removes the whitespace and hence the flow of the script):


# This script requires the HandBrake CLI program

# Download it at

# You’ll need to change this to fit where everything is on your system

sFromDirectory = “/home/jeff/Videos/”

sToDirectory = “/home/jeff/Desktop/converted_video_output/”

sFullPathToHandbrakeCLI = “/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI”

# Don’t mess with anything below this…..

import os.path

import shutil

def ConvertFile(sPath, sFile):

global sToDirectory

global sFromDirectory

global sFullPathToHandbrakeCLI

sExtension = os.path.splitext( sFile )

sNewFileName = sFile.replace(sExtension[len(sExtension) – 1], “.m4v”)

sNewDirectory = sPath.replace(sFromDirectory, sToDirectory)

if sPath != “”:

sOldFullPath =  sPath + “/” + sFile


sOldFullPath =  sPath + sFile

if sPath != “”:

sNewFullPath =  sNewDirectory + “/” + sNewFileName


sNewFullPath =  sNewDirectory + sNewFileName

# Don’t re-encode if it’s already a m4v

if not os.path.exists(sNewFullPath):

if sExtension == “.m4v”:

# Copy it instead of re-encoding it…

shutil.copyfile(sOldFullPath, sNewFullPath)


sHandbrakeCommand = sFullPathToHandbrakeCLI + ‘ -i “‘ + sOldFullPath + ‘” -o “‘ + sNewFullPath + ‘” -v -m -E aac,ac3 -e x264 -q 0.65 -x ref=3:mixed-refs:bframes=6:b-pyramid=1:weightb=1:analyse=all:8x8dct=1:subme=7:me=umh:merange=24:filter=-2,-2:trellis=1:no-fast-pskip=1:no-dct-decimate=1:direct=auto’


def callback( arg, sDirectory, aFilenames ):

global sToDirectory

global sFromDirectory

print “Checking files in ” + sDirectory

sSubPath = sDirectory.replace(sFromDirectory, “”)

for sFile in aFilenames:

if sSubPath == “”:

sOldFullPath =  sDirectory + sFile


sOldFullPath =  sDirectory + “/” + sFile

if os.path.isdir(sOldFullPath):

sNewDirectory = sOldFullPath.replace(sFromDirectory, sToDirectory)

print “”

if not os.path.exists(sNewDirectory):

print “Making new directory: ” + sNewDirectory

print “”




if not os.path.exists(sToDirectory):


arglist = []


Updated (September 3rd): Fixed a directory recursion issue.