
November 2, 2010 | Reading time: 1 minutes



Coleman Striker?

Here’s my first attempt at repainting my old Cygnar. Since I’ve decided to start from the basics, I’m starting with the contents of the Cygnar Battlegroup’s warcaster: Coleman Striker.

I start with adding a curved & twisted paperclip to his smoke stack then glue on cotton for the smoke coming from it.

Primered him (and his buddies) black as it’s almost always the best basecoat for metal minis.

Iyaden Darksun yellow was the basecoat for all the non-metal areas. The flesh was dwarf flesh. The hair was VMC Hot Orange ( as was the base of the smoke). The arms were snakebite leather as a basecoat as well.

The cloth was then painted bleached bone and yellow was added to the orange on the smoke.

Chainmail (GW Paint) was the base for all the metal, and the Shining Gold was painted for the Brass areas.

(Almost) Everything was then washed with Delvan Mud (GW Wash) and then the metals were washed with Badab Black (GW Wash)

The Base Blue was Royal Blue (GW) and then highlighted (quickly) up to Magic Blue (VMC) and then washed with Asurymen Blue (GW Wash),

And then now he’s half done in about an hour’s painting!


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