Stryker, Take 2

November 23, 2010 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Stryker got stripped after his last paint job…..

I added cotton to the paperclip smoke using PVA glue…

Primered the whole model black.

I Drybrushed Heavily GW Shining Gold on all the brass parts, used chainmail on the silver bits. I used GW Tallarn Flesh (Foundation) as the flesh, and Orange as the hair.

Once it was dry the WHOLE MODEL was given a generous amount ALMIGHTY Delvan Mud.

The Skirt was based Space Wolf Gray, then highlighted up to white.

Highlights and lining was then added then sealed.

…and he’s completed via speed painting in 2 hours.

He’s much to look at up close, but he’s definitely table-top quality.

Edit: Even after the Satin coat has dried, he’s way too glossy. I’ll spray a thin coat of Matte over the Satin to tone the gloss down and post pics tonight (or this afternoon if I go home for lunch).

Ok here’s the result after VMC Matte Varnish on the face & Cloth:

Sorry about the iPhone pic.


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