Space Wolves: Test Model #1

December 16, 2010 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Ok Grain of salt and caveats of the following testmodel.

  • This was a half-finished paint job from a few years back that I just primered right over.
  • I was not trying too hard to stay within the lines
  • I haven’t even bothered cleaning up ANY of the wash (namely the splotchy areas on knees and legs-heck it looks like I even missed a spot on the shoulder)
  • I haven’t done ANY highlighting
  • The model was airbrushed in about 30 seconds
  • The rest of the model was painted in about 5 minutes just to splash color to see how it’d look.

I used a 1:1:1 mix of VMC Sombre Grey (Equiv GW Shadow Grey), VMC Wolf Grey (Equiv GW Space Wolf Grey)and VAC Thinner in a custom bottle for the airbrush basecoat, splashed some color here and there ( I honestly didn’t care what colors at the time)… and washed everything in Delvan Mud

This is considered a BASE COAT not a final model (although it’d be just fine for the table top).
