Decision time: an unhappy realization

March 21, 2011 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Unfortunately after starting painting on my Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors last night I came to a realization that I’m SO not ready for painting a whole army in our allotted time for our build up. Two years ago, I would have easily have done this, but I’m a “family man” and a good portion of my standard evening goes to them and by the time I have 30 minutes to an hour to paint I’m too “pooped to paint”.

I thought about my Imperial Guard, but I’ll be playing my Biel-Tan Eldar for the build-up instead. This is mainly due to I’d have to put almost just as much painting into my Guard as I would the Dark Eldar.


Addendum 3/21/2011 (morning): Take this post with a caveat – it all really depends on how quick I can get my Dark Eldar troops painted and on bases. I really do want to play my  Dark Eldar, but painting time constraints are the worst right for me right now. I’d like to get 5 models painted on average every two nights for my goal of being ready in two weeks and having some models painted and ready for future build ups.