Ok. The local group is starting to play Fantasy again (yay), and I’ve decided to sell my Lizardman army to a local who wants to get in so I can finance my Ogres. I bought a box of Bulls so that I can start getting into the swing of painting them.
This unit is my “test unit” for painting.
I started off by primering black.[
I started off by painting the flesh GW Rotting Flesh (61-43). Two medium coats.
Then the pantaloons were painted GW Snakebite Leather (61-14) being careful at the waist, but notsomuch at the boots.
The standard skull was also basecoated GW Snakebite Leather (61-14)
All the metal was painted GW Boltgun Metal (61-57).
GW Chaos Black (61-51) was then painted on all the hair, straps and belts.
GW Kemhri Brown (68-17) was painted to all wood (more of an ash wood so that it wouldn’t blend in so much with the Snakebite Leather and bone lateter)
VMC Cold Grey (72050) was drybrushed on the black areas for highlight and basecoated on the stone tokens and earrings.
GW Mechrite Red (68-01) was painted profusely on the weapons, and was handpainted as the warpaint on the skin itself.
GW Mechrite Red (68-01) was painted profusely on the weapons, and was handpainted as the warpaint on the skin itself.
GW Skull White (61-54) was drybrushed on the teeth and bone.
And the magic GW Delvan Mud (68-25) was washed over the whole model and GW Adeptus BattleGrey (68-10) was basecoated on the base for flocking later.
There are a few things that I forgot to add: I highlighted a few bits here and there of GW Shining Gold (61-63) and their nipples were painted GW Dark Angels Green (61-38).