This is more of a personal reminder as it’s not the default behavior as it is in most modern database libraries…
I’ve highlighted the important bits for associative results in white below
#!/usr/bin/python # Note the MySQLdb.cursors import statement # and the cursorclass declaration in the connect string. import MySQLdb import MySQLdb.cursors oDBConn=MySQLdb.connect(user="user", passwd="pass", db="db", host="localhost", compress=1, cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) oCursor=oDBConn.cursor() oCursor.execute("select `field1`,`field2`,`field3` from `mytable`") while(1): LogString = "" oRow = oCursor.fetchone () if oRow == None: break sField1 = oRow["field1"] sField2 = oRow["field2"] sField3 = oRow["field3"]
tag formatting above may be a bit difficult depending on your browser… but you should be able to copy and paste the entire codeblock with no difficulty.