My apologies. It’s been a crazy few weeks. Since my last post, all was good and well. No cancer markers and a clear CT scan. However, in January cancer markers in Signatera showed up despite being clear 2 months before. In that short amount of time my wife Kim and I have traveled to MD Anderson in Houston twice.
I’m now a Stage 4 Cancer patient now going through my second run of Chemotherapy. My spirits are, as usual, high, but the drain on my body seems enormous. I started chemo again. This time I’m on folfiri. Last round was using folfoxa. What I have is named Adenocarcinoma.
I’ve made a new chart to follow this round of chemo, again with a BattleTech theme. This one is of a drop ship which has invaded yet again.
I do this for a couple of reasons: mostly to help set my mind on a goal of getting through chemo, and the other to help keep my mind off the effects on a daily basis, which are quite overwhelming at times.
Right now my current symptoms are: Dizziness, Heavy Fatigue, and acid-reflux.
The expected side effects are: Diarrhoea (which I don’t have), fatigue, hair loss (I can deal with that; I don’t look bad bald), anemia (I’ve had this for over nearly two years now.), loss of appetite (not yet).
I’ll try to keep this blog updated as I can.