Chemotherapy Status 2023/08/04

August 4, 2023 | Reading time: 1 minutes

All apologies to those who actually follow this. Nothing “special” has occured during this round.

My second round of Chemotherapy is nearly complete. I have two more rounds left. In four weeks we’ll be back to MD Anderson for the end of chemo CT and MRI to see what the next step for treatment and (hopefully) removal of the metastatic tumors.

This round of chemo has been hell for my GI system, but (butt? hur hur hur) I’m fighting it out. Only 4 more weeks. It’s been worse than I’ve let on with my workmates and friends, but those close to me surely know how awful I feel.

I’ll post here as soon as we know the status of next month’s scans.

Next week is both my birthday (51, far too young to be worried about terminal diseases) and a chemo week. This will be my second “sucky birthday” in a row.

Work Pic