Health Update - 2024 January

January 26, 2024 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Howdy Folks,

As some of you know, the last 2 months I’ve been on a clinical trial of RMC-6236 to shrink or mitigate my metastasized Colon Cancer which was diagnosed on January 5, 2022. Before this I took full 24 doses of both Folfox and then Folfiri the next year. In December of 2023 I was accepted into the clinical trial RMC-6236. Yesterday I received the results: growth in all tumors, and new tumors detected. The tumors seem to be localized only on my liver and lungs still.

RMC-6236 was not working for my particular mutations. The next step is for MD Anderson Cancer Center to take another biopsy of the tumors which I jokingly call “my babies” (as these mutants seem to be just as tough as their host).

Once the biopsy is complete I believe I’ll be put on yet another cocktail of chemotherapy: Lonsurf (at least this was the plan before the opportunity for the Clinical Trial presented itself). I’ll be on general chemotherapy to at least stop the growth of the tumors until the biopsy yields another Trial which will affect.

The tumors have already become highly resistant to Folfox and Folfiri hence the need for Lonsurf.

Overall I’m in great spirits and relatively good health (as my dermatologist said: “on paper you look terrible, but you look great”), despite the side effect of RMC-6236 which has given me a nasty rash on my chest, back, scalp, and face. I’m hoping to recover from that as RMC-6236 is metabolized through my system. Fatigue is still a problem here and there, and I feel my body’s muscles atrophying since I can’t ride my bike nearly as much as I used to.

Thank you all for your positive vibes and thoughts. I know there’s a ton of you out there worried about me.
