Early April Update

April 5, 2024 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Cancer Update

This will be a short post as there’s not much new going on.

The last three weeks have been quiet. I’ve been healing my belly, which is still sore as expected, but I’m nearly fully mobile now.

Next week I’ll be starting FOLFIRI chemotherapy at my local oncologist to try to stem the growth while the geniuses manufacture my new immune system in May.

My fatigue is not at an all-time high right now, but it’s pretty rough - especially since I’ve got so many projects to contribute to. Which brings me to:


Savaged.us V4 development is coming along nicely. It’s so much faster than V3 since it’s nearly a ground-up rewrite. The Settings editor is nearly complete. Once done the next step is the Player Character editor which will be similar to the current workflow, but a ground up rewrite.

Then after that on to the biggest need for the V4 rewrite: The Campaigns editor and Player/Character/Setting management interface. I’m going to do my absolute best to not break the existing Campaigns, but this may be the one breaking change. I don’t see characters and settings being lost, but some players may be detached.