First Dark Eldar battle reports being created tonight!

November 6, 2009 | Reading time: 3 minutes

I’ll apologize in advance for not having my models painted. Here’s the list I’ll be using in the report(s):

1000 Pts – Dark Eldar Roster – Kabal of the Sunken Soul Scouting Party

HQ: Dracon (1#, 90 pts)
   1 Dracon @ 90 pts (Agoniser; Splinter Pistol; Hell Mask; Shadow Field; Haywire Grenades)

Elite: Wyches (10#, 270 pts)
   8 Wyches @ 270 pts (Close Combat Weapon; Splinter Pistol; Wych Weapons; Blaster x2; Combat Drugs; Haywire Grenades; Plasma Grenades)
      1 Succubus (Agoniser; Splinter Pistol; Wych Weapons; Haywire Grenades (Squad); Plasma Grenades (Squad))
      1 Raider (Dark Lance; Nightshields)

Troops: Raider Squad (6#, 120 pts)
   5 Raider Squad @ 120 pts (Splinter Rifle x4; Splinter Cannon; Raider)
      1 Raider (Dark Lance; Nightshields)

Troops: Raider Squad (6#, 120 pts)
   5 Raider Squad @ 120 pts (Splinter Rifle x4; Splinter Cannon; Raider)
      1 Raider (Dark Lance; Nightshields)

Troops: Raider Squad (6#, 120 pts)
   5 Raider Squad @ 120 pts (Splinter Rifle x4; Splinter Cannon; Raider)
      1 Raider (Dark Lance; Nightshields)

Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 140 pts)
   1 Ravager @ 140 pts (Disentegrator x3; Nightshields)

Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 140 pts)
   1 Ravager @ 140 pts (Disentegrator x3; Nightshields)

Validation Report:
1. Dark Eldar Army: Kabal; c-1. File Version: 1.04a For Bug Reports/; b-1. Roster Options: Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Total Roster Cost: 1000

  The biggest change from the last list is: I&#8217;ve taken the suggestion of moving down to a Dracon saving 25 points where I can now give Haywire Grenades to various models along with saving another 25 points from removing Combat Drug dispenser.

  I also don&#8217;t have faith in my Wych Weapons as most critters out there I&#8217;m fighting have a WS of 4, which won&#8217;t do a thing for me when they&#8217;re making attacks against the ladies. However at 1 point a pop, it&#8217;s not a huge investment (even at 1000 points, 0.9% of the party)&#8211;and against the less than WS 4 armies I get them into scrapping, they&#8217;ll need 5&#8217;s to hit the Wyches.

  I like the idea of the Combat Drugs, but at this low point level one has to be very, very lean on the choices that go into a competitive list.

  I&#8217;m pretty sure that this time I won&#8217;t be balls-to-the wall reserves entry only (although I think this tactic fits their background fluff quite well). If&nbsp; the opponent has a good amount of 48&#8243; weaponry (yes, I know it&#8217;ll be only 42&#8243; after the Nightshields, that&#8217;s still a substantial amount across the table) I think I&#8217;ll have them on the table and the far edge so I can get a few shots in turn 1. If I expect a few drop pods and I don&#8217;t get first turn&#8230;..Reserves it is!

  This is the time to experiment before the league starts up in December. Which reminds me I&#8217;ve got to get this force painted and based by the end of the month!!!! No if&#8217;s, and&#8217;s or but&#8217;s about it I&#8217;ve got to get the rest of the modeling completed by next week and perhaps a test Raider completely painted (and maybe the passengers).

  I&#8217;ve got to order my 25mm bases a.s.a.p. (right now I&#8217;m just putting a magnet on the bottom of a blank base to hold them on when a Raider is shot down) so I can install the magnets for the Raider-sharers. For those of you who know my use of magnets: I&#8217;m not magnetizing the whole army&#8211;just the ones that are meant to come off the Raiders. I&#8217;ve (mostly) always been practical (but not frugal!) in my use of Magnets the last 10 years.

  <b><span style="color: #eeeeee;">On a modeling note</span></b>:<br />I did complete the installation of the magnets for the Dark Lances/Disintegrators on my Raiders and Ravagers (the bow points, not the port and starport points on the Ravagers&#8211;I&#8217;m still deciding my angle of attack on those weapon mounts). So my raiders will have Dark Lances on them in the photos (although I still need to sand and fill in the cracks and create the sails).

  Also, I&#8217;ve noticed that the pewter models on the raiders are still quite wobbly. I&#8217;ll probably end up adding a metal pin to the foot next to the magnet to help stabilize the models while on the raider and on their bases.


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