Tyranids vs Dark Eldar

November 14, 2009 | Reading time: 2 minutes

First and foremost: this was a bad matchup. Carlos’ tyranids had absolutely no shooting and I had lots of shooting and mobility.

The game was pitched battle and annihilation. I placed first and was set to take first turn, but he rolled a 6 and siezed the initiative.

Starting setup.

End of Tyranid turn 1

End of Dark Eldar turn 1. One dead Carnifex thanks to dark lance spam. And a small handful of Genestealers fell as well.

End of Tyranid turn 2. Reserves came in from both sides. One of the Genestealers squads reached and attempted to take down a Ravager but failed to either reach it penetrate the whopping 10 rear armor. The other fell far short (although I doubt they could have reached anything with even a 6 for fleet of foot/claw/run/blah)

Dark eldar turn 2: Concentrated Dissy and splinter weapon fire on the Genestealers threatening the Ravagers. Concentrated Dark Lance fire drops another Carnifex. One of the raiders squad splinter weapons kill 4 from the right flanking scout stealers. However, the stealers surprisingly failed their leadership and run towards the Broodlord.

Tyranid turn three: (missed taking pics sorry) carnifex and main unit of stealers got within Close Combat range of two raiders. Ironically the Carnifex only stuns his raider, while the stealers destroy theirs.

Dark Eldar turn three: Concentrated fire finishes off the Broodlord and his squad. Two raiders fire dark lances at Carnifex and miss. Wyches move into assault with newly under control and consolidated stealers. The ladies finish off all but one stealer, but lose two sisters of pain in the process. (I forgot to bring my bases for my magnetized models, so some of them were laying down on the job)

Tyranid turn four: Carnifex attacks nearby Raider and destroys it. The last stealer is killed and wyches sweep towards the Carnifex

Two dark lances put two wounds ont the carnifex. The wyches charge in an the two agonizers only wound once, but the mass attacks of the remainder wyches finish it off.

It was an exciting, but a bad matchup. In a couple of months he’ll get a new codex and hopefully new options.

Thanks for the game, Carlos!!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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