Dark Eldar Culling Tonight

November 12, 2010 | Reading time: 1 minutes

I’ll be bringing my Dark Eldar up to the FLGS tonight for my first game with the new Codex. To be honest I’ve not had time to really delve into “the depths of torture and pain of “the new codex, so my list tonight will be very similar to my list from the old codex (Raider Spam, but units of 10 instead of 5 each).

I’ll post a battle report of my loss tonight or tomorrow morning 🙂

To bide your time, please feel free to visit the Kabal of the Sunken Soul’s pictures and posts.

I don’t plan on replacing my converted raiders, but I might end up repainting them in a more wood & sail fashion.

All my current Warriors (Dark Elf corsairs) will eventually be my Trueborn Kabalists, and my current Wyches (converted Dark Elf Witches and old DE Wyches will be Bloodbrides).

Addendum: I’ve made some modeling decisions for the magnet solution on my raiders & their occupants that I’ll get to in a later post.


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