We've Got A Date

June 9, 2024 | Reading time: 1 minutes

Finally, we’ve got a date for my modified T-Cell transfusion! Next week I’ll be going in for a low-dose radiation consult and “dry run.” As I mentioned in the last update they’ll be using this to “poke holes” in the tumors so that the new immune cells can zoom in and start munching.


The week after that will be the Great Experiment as the nitty gritty of the Immunotherapy Trial finally begins. I’ve got PET scans, Brain MRI scans, and of course daily blood samples being taken.

This is no vacation, folks. I despise hospital beds, but at least the staff always seem easy to work with. I suppose it’s a reflection on how good of a patient one is. This will be a long stay in a hospital room and bed, probably sick and feverish the entire time as my body starts treating the tumors as a system-wide infection (which after the metastasis - it is!).

I’ll write up another post concerning my cancer journey just before this all really starts.